What about Voter Competency?

Certainly, the Constitution intended our nation to be democratic within reasonable limits. Some insight as to the founding fathers’ perception of those “reasonable limits” can be seen from the public discourse documented as the Federalist and Anti-Federalist papers, and subsequently, by the fact that Women’s suffrage was not granted until 1820 by the Nineteenth Amendment, […]

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About Canonizer

Canonizer.com is a social communication tool designed to find and build consensus on controversial issues. The goal is to determine, concisely and quantitatively, what everyone believes on any given subject. We’ve prepared a short video that explains Canonizer that you can watch here: https://vimeo.com/307590745 If you want the much longer, academic version, you can read […]

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CES Reply: A Final Book of Mormon Sermon

I’ve been reminded that I’ve been slacking off in updating my serialized reply to the CES Letter. I apologize. I’m putting together several new projects for Canonizer designed to get people to use the Canonizer site, so I’ve neglected the serialization of my revised reply, which you can read in its entirety here. The main […]

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CES Reply: AMA Follow-up, Part 2

During my Reddit AMA which I discussed in yesterday’s post, I received a number of private messages from people frustrated that their angrier, more hostile questions were not allowed, and several insisted that I conduct a similar AMA in a different subreddit, one where I wouldn’t be treated with such kid gloves. This, of course, […]

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