Category: Politics

Cannons at Kavanaugh

So my first post that I linked to my Facebook page did somewhat what I expected it would do – it generated a furious Facebook thread that, alas, did not lead anyone to actually use the Canonizer website. We’re trying to figure out how to make the user interface more user friendly in order […]

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Canonizing Kavanaugh

So this post selfishly serves two purposes. The first is that I am being repeatedly asked, publicly and privately, what I think of the smoldering ruins of decency that used to be the Kavanaugh nomination. Since I am white, male, and privileged as they come, I know everything I say is immediately suspect, and I’m […]

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Canonizing Donald Trump as Hitler

A Jewish friend of mine who is no fan of Trump posted a Facebook status update asking people to refrain from comparing Trump to Hitler. Acknowledging the fact that Trump was awful, she called it disrespectful to the millions of people slaughtered by the Nazis to equate Trump’s current evils with Hitler’s exponentially more monstrous […]

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Canonizing Free Speech

I begin with a few more words about civility, but to make a different point than my last post on the subject. A few years back, an old acquaintance found me on Facebook and sent me a friend request. I accepted, whereupon he proceeded to launch a lengthy ideological diatribe as to why I was […]

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A Canonization in Civility

My father is the late Robert F. Bennett, R-Utah, who served as Utah’s junior senator for 18 years. When he passed just over two years ago, the media was filled with laudatory tributes to him that brought a great deal of comfort to all of us in the family. The problem was that most of […]

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