CES Reply: Introduction

As a freshman at the University of Southern California, I was first exposed to what was then commonly referred to as “anti-Mormon literature.” (*I’m not sure what the post-Mormon term for it is now, but you probably know what I’m talking about.) I read “The Godmakers” from cover to cover, which described a church with […]

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Cannons at Kavanaugh

So my first Canonizer.com post that I linked to my Facebook page did somewhat what I expected it would do – it generated a furious Facebook thread that, alas, did not lead anyone to actually use the Canonizer website. We’re trying to figure out how to make the user interface more user friendly in order […]

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Canonizing Kavanaugh

So this post selfishly serves two purposes. The first is that I am being repeatedly asked, publicly and privately, what I think of the smoldering ruins of decency that used to be the Kavanaugh nomination. Since I am white, male, and privileged as they come, I know everything I say is immediately suspect, and I’m […]

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The Sex Education Canonization Process

Several years back, Utah passed a bill that allows schools to stop teaching sex ed. From the Salt Lake Tribune: “To replace the parent in the school setting, among people who we have no idea what their morals are, we have no ideas what their values are, yet we turn our children over to them […]

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Al Gore: Climate Not Canonized?

Al Gore is making news again, insisting that Trump hasn’t been all that bad – or at he “has had less of an impact so far than [Gore] feared that he would.” What does that mean, exactly? What on earth could Trump have done to the climate in two years, even if he had deliberately […]

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